Dragonflies and Damselflies of the Philippines
- A photographic guide to the Odonata of the Eastern Visayas - Stijn De Win -

Dragonfly checklist - overview

This checklist covers the suborder Anisoptera (Dragonflies) for the Philippine islands of Samar, Biliran, Leyte and Panaon in the Eastern Visayas. It aims to be fully updated (2024) with info available on the internet on top of field experience (2021-present) It contains 50 species of which 12 are Philippine endemics. Additionally this list is set to serve as an overview with links to info pages and photos creating an illustrated checklist / field guide. (Work in progress) See also part 1, Damselfly checklist here.

Family: Aeshnidae (Darners)

-Anax guttatus ; Leyte (+Luzon, Polillo, Marinduque, Mindoro, Panay, Negros, Mindanao, Sulu)
-Anax panybeus ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran (+Bohol, Luzon, Marinduque, Negros, Panay, Mindanao, Sulu)
-Gynacantha alcathoe ; Samar (+ Homonhon, Mindanao, Sulu)
-Gynacantha dohrni ; Leyte (3 records 1987) (+Palawan, Malaysia)
-Oligoaeschna uemurai ; Samar (+ Mindanao)
-Oligoaeschna sp.; Leyte (1 unidentified collected specimen)
-Tetracanthagyna bakeri ; Leyte (+Luzon, Mindoro, Mindanao)

Family: Gomphidae (Club-tailed dragonflies)

-Acrogomphus jubilaris ; Samar (1 record only, +Borneo)
-Gomphidia kirschii ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran (+ Homonhon, Luzon, Marinduque, Mindoro, Mindanao, Basilan)
-Heliogomphus bakeri ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran (+Homonhon, Luzon, Catanduanes, Mindoro, Panay, Negros, Sibuyan, Mindanao, Dinagat)
-Leptogomphus semperi ; Samar, Leyte (+ Luzon, Mindanao, Basilan)

Family: Corduliidae (Emerald dragonflies)

-Idionyx philippa (subfamily Synthemistidae (Tigertails) ; Samar, Leyte, Panaon, Biliran (+Luzon, Mindoro, Mindanao)
-Hemicordulia mindana ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran? (+Mindoro, Mindanao, Basilan, Dinagat, Palawan, Sulu + East Asia)
-Heteronaias heterodoxa ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+widespread in Phil.)

Family: Libellulidae (Skimmers)

-Acisoma panorpoides (Grizzled Pintail) ; Biliran, Samar, Leyte (+widespread Phil. +Asia)
-Agrionoptera insignis (Grenadier) ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran (+widespread in Phil.+ East Asia + Oceania incl. Australia) New island record for Biliran
-Brachydiplax chalybea (Oriental Blue Dasher) ; Biliran (new island record +widespread in Phil. but not listed for Eastern Visayas except Bohol) + Asia
-Cratilla lineata (Emerald-banded Skimmer) ; Samar, Leyte (+widespread in Phil.+ Asia)
-Crocothemis servilia (Scarlet Skimmer) ; Samar, Leyte, Panaon (+widespread in Phil.+ Asia)
-Diplacina bolivari ; Biliran, Samar, Leyte, Panaon (+widespread in Phil.)
-Diplacina braueri ; Biliran, Samar, Leyte, Panaon (+widespread in Phil.)
-Diplacina nana ; Biliran, Samar, Leyte (+widespread in Phil.)
-Diplacodes trivialis (Chalky Percher) ; Biliran, Leyte, Samar, Panaon (+widespread Phil + Asia)
-Lathrecista asiatica (Asian Blood Tail) ; Biliran, Leyte (+widespread in Phil.+ Asia)
-Lyriothemis cleis (Bombardier) ; Samar, Leyte, Panaon (+widespread in Phil.+ Asia)
rare, no Phil. records on iNat
-Lyriothemis latro ; Samar (+Bohol, Mt Makiling on Luzon) endemic
No images, no recent records, vulnerable, described 1937
-Macrodiplax cora (Wandering Pennant) ; Biliran new record (+Bohol, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Palawan)
-Nannophya pygmaea (Scarlet Pygmy/Dwarf) ; Samar, Leyte, Panaon (+Mindoro, Mindanao, Dinagat + East Asia)
-Neurothemis ramburii (Red Percher) ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+widespread Phil. and Asia)
-Neurothemis terminata (Indonesian Red-winged Dragonfly) ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+widespread Phil. and Asia)
- Onychothemis abnormis ; Samar, Leyte (+Luzon, Mindoro, Bohol) endemic
- Orthetrum chrysis (Brown-backed Red Marsh Hawk) ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran (+widespread in Phil. + Asia)
-Orthetrum luzonicum (Slender Blue Skimmer) ; Leyte new record (+Luzon, Mindoro, Palawan + Asia)
-Orthetrum pruinosum (Crimson-tailed Marsh Hawk) ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+widespread Phil. and Asia)
-Orthetrum serapia (Green Skimmer) ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+widespread Phil. + Fiji, Papua, Solomon, Australia)
-Orthetrum testaceum (Orange Skimmer) ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+widespread Phil. + Asia)
- Pantala flavescens (Wandering Glider) ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+widespread Phil. + World)
- Potamarcha congener (Swampwatcher) ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+widespread Phil. + Asia, Oceania)
-Raphismia bispina (Mangrove Dwarf) ; Biliran (+widespread in Phil. + Malaysia, Indonesia, New Guinea, Australia)
-Rhodothemis rufa (Rufous Marsh Glider) ; Leyte (+Polillo, Dinagat, Dumaran, Sulu + Asia)
- Rhyothemis phyllis (Yellow-striped Flutterer) ; Samar, Leyte (+widespread in Phil. + SE Asia, New Guinea, Australia, Pacific)
- Rhyothemis regia (Pied Sapphire Flutterer) ; Samar (+Mindoro, Mindanao, Dinagat, Palawan, Sulu + Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia)
- Rhyothemis triangularis (Asian Sapphire Flutterer) ; Samar (+Mindoro, Mindanao, Palawan, Sulu + Asia)
-Tetrathemis irregularis (Rainforest Elf) ; Samar, Leyte (new record) (+Luzon, Mindoro, Masbate, Sibuyan, Mindanao, Dinagat, Palawan, Sulu + Asia, Australia)
- Tholymis tillarga (Twister) ; Samar, Leyte (+widespread in Phil.+ Africa-Asia-Australia-Pacific)
-Tramea rosenbergi ; Samar (+Luzon, Mindanao + Sulawesi, Maluku)
-Tramea transmarina (Red Glider) ; Samar (new island record) (+widespread Phil.+ Asia)
-Trithemis aurora / adelpha (Crimson Dropwing) ; Samar, Leyte, Panaon (+widespread Phil. + Asia)
- Trithemis festiva (Indigo Dropwing) ; Biliran, Samar, Leyte, Panaon (+widespread Phil. + SE Europe – Asia – New Guinea)
-Zyxomma obtusum (White Duskdarter) ; Samar, Leyte (+widespread Phil. + Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia)

Possible (expected) Phil. species not listed for the Eastern Visayan islands of Samar, Leyte, Biliran or Panaon;
-Brachydiplax duivenbodei (Darkmouth) ; Bohol, Homonhon, Dinagat –no recent Phil. records
-Camacinia gigantea (Sultan) ; Uncommon but widespread in Phil. including Luzon and Mindanao, recent records from Bohol.
-Nesoxenia lineate (Striped Grenadier) ; Homonhon, Mindoro, Mindanao, Palawan

All photos copyright Stijn De Win. Note my Dragonfly and Damselfly observations are also posted on iNaturalist.
Hope this page may help with the identification, education, appreciation, conservation and research efforts of the Philippine Odonata.
Contact ; stijndewin@birding2asia.com

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