Damselfly checklist - overview
This checklist covers the suborder Zygoptera (Damselflies)
for the Philippine islands of Samar, Biliran, Leyte and
Panaon in the Eastern Visayas. It aims to be fully updated
(2024) with info available on the internet on top of field
experience (2021-present) and contains 43 species + 3 likely
undescribed/new species. Note endemism is extremely high in
the area with 39 endemic Damselfies. All these are species
for which very little info has been available so far and
many were photographed alive in the field for the first
time. This list serves as an overview with links to info
pages (species with *) and photos creating a first
illustrated checklist / field guide covering the Eastern
(Note work in progress, last update 24 December 2024. Now
waiting for more rainy days...) Go to Eastern Visayas Dragonfly checklist
Lestes praemorsus (Scalloped Spreadwing) ; Samar, Leyte (also Bohol, Luzon, Panay, Dinagat, Siargao + widespread in Asia)
Drepanosticta belyshevi ; Leyte, Panaon (+ Bohol)

Drepanosticta mylitta ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+ Dinagat)

Drepanosticta trachelocele ; Samar, Biliran

Drepanosticta lestoides ; Panaon (+ Mindanao, Dinagat)
Drepanosticta sp. nov. ; undescribed/new ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran

Neurobasis anumariae (Fairy Metalwing) ; Samar, Leyte (+ Mindanao)

Vestalis melania ; Biliran, Samar, Leyte, Panaon (+ Luzon, Mindoro, Mindanao, Basilan, Dinagat, Jolo)

Cyrano angustior ; Biliran, Samar, Leyte (+ Mindanao, Dinagat, Camiguin)
Rhinocypha colorata ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+ widespread in Phil. except Palawan)
Rhinocypha turconii ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+ Luzon, Cebu, Mindanao)
Euphaea amphicyana ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+ Mindanao,Dinagat, Basilan)
Euphaea cora ; Samar (+ Mindanao, Basilan)
Rhinagrion schneideri ; Samar, Leyte (east side)
Rhinagrion philippinum ; Leyte (west side) (+ Luzon, Mindoro, Negros, Masbate, Bohol)
male / female
Prodasineura integra ; Samar, Leyte (+Masbate, Homonhon, Mindanao, Basilan, Dinagat, Camiguin)
Coeliccia dinoceras ; Samar, Leyte, Panaon, Biliran (+ Siquijor, Bohol, Mindanao, Basilan, Dinagat)
Risiocnemis appendiculata ; Samar, Leyte, Panaon, Biliran (+ Bohol, Homonhon, Mindanao, Dinagat, Camiguin)
Risiocnemis praeusta ; Samar, Leyte, Panaon, Biliran (+Dinagat)
Igneocnemis calceata ; Panaon (no recent records) (+Dinagat)
Igneocnemis flammea ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (also Homonhon, Mindanao, Dinagat)
Igneocnemis fuligifrons* ; Biliran, Leyte, Panaon (+ Mindanao, Dinagat, Basilan)

Igneocnemis siniae* ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran

Igneocnemis kaiseri* ; Samar

Igneocnemis melanops ; Samar
Igneocnemis nigra ; Samar
-Agriocnemis femina (Variable Wisp) ; Biliran, Samar, Leyte, Panaon (+widespread in Phil. + Asia-Pacific)
-Agriocnemis pygmaea (Wandering Midget) ; Panaon (+widespread in Phil. + Asia-Australia)
-Argiocnemis rubescens (Red-tipped Shadefly) ; Samar, Biliran, Leyte, Panaon (+widespread in Phil. + Asia, New Guinea and Australia)
-Ceriagrion lieftincki ; Samar, Leyte, Panaon (+widespread in Phil.)
-Ischnura senegalensis (Common Bluetail) ; Biliran, Samar (+widespread in Phil. + Africa, Middle East, Asia)
-Pseudagrion pilidorsum (Red Sprite) ; Samar, Leyte, Biliran, Panaon (+widespread in Phil. + Asia)
Teinobasis filamenta ; Biliran, Leyte, Samar, Panaon (+ Homonhon, Bohol, Mindanao, Basilan)
Teinobasis filiformis ; Leyte (+Luzon)
Teinobasis olivacea ; Biliran, Samar, Leyte (+widespread in Phil.)
Teinobasis samaritis ; Biliran, Samar, Leyte (+widespread in Phil.)
Teinobasis strigosa ; Samar (no recent records) (+Luzon, Polillo)
Xiphiagrion cyanomelas ; Leyte, Samar (+Luzon, Sibuyan, Mindanao, Dinagat, Sulu + Borneo, Indonesia, Papua, Solomons)
Pandanobasis curacha ; Samar (+Homonhon, Surigao del Sur?)
Pandanobasis daku ; Leyte, Biliran (female-habitat unknown to science)
Pericnemis yakal ; Samar, Leyte (+Mindanao)
Pericnemis muragbonita ; Samar
Pericnemis sp. nov. ; undescribed/new ; Biliran (likely belongs to incallida-group)
Pericnemis sp. nov. ; undescribed/new ; Biliran, Samar, Leyte (likely belongs to lestoides-group, may involve 2 or even 3 species)
Pericnemis sp. nov. ; undescribed/new ; Biliran (a mystery, 1 female photographed only)
Sangabasis feliculoi* ; Samar

Sangabasis braulitae* ; Leyte (+Homonhon, Camiguin)
All photos copyright Stijn De Win. Note my Dragonfly and Damselfly observations are also posted on iNaturalist.
Hope this page may help with the identification, education, appreciation, conservation and research efforts of the Philippine Odonata.
Contact ; stijndewin@birding2asia.com