B2A Sulawesi-Halmahera 2014
tour report.
3rd – 20th of October 2014
Participants; Robert and Anne
Walton, Erkki Violainen, Ilpo Hanski,
Frank Lee Bills and Sharon Bostick. Tour leader; Peter
Ericsson and local guides
Tangkoko, Gunung
Ambang, Tapak Kolintang,
Tambun, Toraut, Halmahera,
Lore Lindu National Park
October 2009, our
first Sulawesi trip, was such a great experience that
it made us wish for just those 2 things; Get back for more
and share the superb birds with other birders! I think we
managed both of those quite well and here we are indeed with
our successful 2014 tour marking B2A's 5 years of trips to
these extraordinary islands in Indonesia.
The high number of people who have contributed
to make our trips such a success each and every time is
remarkable. Thanks go out to all our previous guests,
Indonesian guides, local guides, reserve wardens, ground
agents, home-stay and lodge owners and those who prepared
all the lovely Indonesian food, drivers, boat crew... all of
you, thanks a lot!

Knobbed Hornbill, Dumoga Bone National Park Sulawesi
Having experienced wonderful tours with B2A to
both Thailand, Taiwan and the Philippines, Bob and Anne
Walton knew it was not much of a gamble to sign up for B2A's
exotic tour to Sulawesi and Halmahera!
Bob has a lifetime of birding behind him
and upon arrival to Manado already stood at an impressive
8384! I asked him what he was hoping for and he said ‘there
are 137 potential lifers so I hope for them all!’. Ha! Well,
it didn’t quite work out that way but how about leaving the
tour 18 days later with 124 lifers and a global list of
8508!!! Congratulations Bob to have reached this milestone!
His 8500th bird was a group of 4 Hylocitreas on top of the
Anasu track! (incidentally Bob’s last family)
It would be unfair to give Bob all the
credit without mentioning his wife Anne. Anne is a
passionate lister, researcher and mover of things. As so
often the case, behind every great man there is a great
little woman! A very determined and focused effort from Anne
has a lot to do with Bob’s success.

This is a great tour for Kingfishers;
Sombre KF on Halmahera and Lilac KF at Tankoko NP were among no less than 12 species all well enjoyed.
How is it possible to reach such high numbers
in such a short time as 18 days when you already have seen
over 8000 species? Well, they say we need to ‘save the best
till last’ and truly Sulawesi/Halmahera delivers some of the
best endemic birding there is on the planet. In fact, if you
are after endemics Sul/Hal has more endemics then all of
Bob and Anne were joined with Erkki and
Ilpo from Finland as well as in part by Frank and Sharon
from the US. Since there were several levels of birders in
the group the birding style of B2A suited perfectly:
‘finding all the birds we can in as leisurely a mode as

Red-backed Thrush, Tangkoko NP
There are so many detailed reports online from
this area that I won’t bring up a long list of birds seen.
However we did see well over 200 species most of which were
endemics or near endemics. Here are some of the
main highlights:
- A short walk to the Standardwing lek on Halmahera. We had
half a dozen birds in the lek with the males getting excited
doing their parachute display and making a lot of noise. We
stayed over an hour with the birds as it is such a
- The Pitta treat: Sulawesi Pitta (split from Red-bellied)
performing well with 3 birds seen.
- Ivory-breasted Pitta showing after a lot of work and
Moluccan Pitta (split from Red-bellied) frozen to the ground
inside of thick bamboo while calling. Gave views down to 4
- Hornbills! Papuan, Red-knobbed showing well and in
abundance with Sulawesi Dwarf seen on a few occasions.
- The Kingfisher experience: Sulawesi Dwarf, Green-backed,
Lilac, Ruddy, Great-billed, Scaly, Common (Sulawesi resident
race), Blue-white, Common Paradise, Sombre, Collared and
Beach all showing well.
- The Megapodes: Half a dozen Maleos showing at their
breeding grounds with Dusky and Tabon Scrubfowls showing on
the forest floor.
- Raptors: 19 species seen with Gurney’s Eagle, Moluccan and
Sulawesi Goshawk leading the way as well as endemic Small
Sparrowhawk and Spot-tailed Goshawk.
- The parrots and associates: Oh, my, so many, 17 species
seen all in all!
- Doves and Pigeons: 5 superbly painted Fruit Doves and
several Imperial Pigeons amongst others.
- Iconic LBJs: The undescribed ‘Sulawesi Flycatcher, a
muscicapa sp we saw at Lore Lindu. Matinan Flycatcher, a
cyornis, found only on a few mountains in Northern Sulawesi.
The Hylocitrea, the only bird in its family. We had a party
of 4 at Lore Lindu.
- Skulkers: Gray Grasshopper Warbler, a migrant locustella
that we manged to get views of on Halmahera. Chestnut-backed
Bush Warbler showed well along the Anasu track.
- Owls and Nightjars: 5 owls seen, 1 Owlet-nightjar and 5
- The rest: there are several other very interesting
families of birds such as Cuckoo Shrikes, Flowerpeckers,
Sunbirds and Honeyeaters, Cuckoos, Starlings, Whistlers,
Drongos, Thrushes, raptors and waterbirds etc. What else is
there besides birds that make Sulawesi/Halmahera so
- The food: We enjoyed superb authentic Indonesian cuisine
throughout. A variety of chicken, fish, pork and vegetable
dishes were served at all meals. Both non spicy and spicy.
Fruits served with most meals. Food was very good!
- Lodging: We stayed at high end hotel/resorts when
available such as at Halmahera, the city of Manado and
Kotamobagu. The other nights were at more basic
accommodation but with great food and ambiance.
- Transportation: We experienced a lot of the country side
as we were being driven through an undulated landscape
dotted with lush hills, paddies and villages. All the while
comfortable seated in our air-conditioned modern vehicle.
- Location: Just knowing where you are geographically is a
thrill. Didn’t you dream of the Moluccas/Spice Islands when
you were young? These were places only for the early
explorers and traders but now accessible with such ease.
- Mammals: Many endemic animals though hard to see: We did
see Black-crested, Gondolato and Tonkean Macaques. Also the
very cute Spectral Tarsiers and unique Bear Cuscus.
- For those interested in Dragonflies and Butterflies we saw
- Good news:
We are running this tour again in 2016 and of course open to
customized tours in 2015 as the regular tour already is
View reports and photos of some of our previous trips; 2011
- triplist,
2010 report-

Mangrove boat trip for Great-billed Kingfisher, Tangkoko ;; Maleo, the not to be missed Megapode of Tambun.